Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 9

Today was Day 1 of Aviation Science.

We first discussed number systems, their history and development. We talked about nautical miles vs. statute miles, and discussed the shortcomings of each.

Nautical miles have a fixed value, but change depending on your location on the globe, since they measure degrees. A Nautical mile at the equator is different from a nautical mile 3 miles South of the North Pole.

But, since nautical miles have a given value at equator (1 60th a degree / 1.15 statue miles)  they can be figured for speed rather than distance, measured in knots.

Then we did 275 math problems. Almost all of them were simple, and repetitive, but served as a useful refresher. We reviewed ratios and percentages, which will apparently be really important in our chosen field. Fractions and their decimal equivalents were discussed at length, as was scientific notation.

We were informed at the end of class today that we have the opportunity to clep out of the math portion. So tonight, while I'm at work, I'm going to attempt something I've never done before: become a mathematical autodidact.

Lets hope it turns out better than this:

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