Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 3

Today, we got out of the classroom and toured the hangar and some of the other facilities.

We started up an Allison 250 jet engine, just for the fun of it.

We talked about tool control and shadowing our toolboxes (which we haven't been able to bring to school yet)

Foreign Object Elimiation (FOE) is a big deal in the aviation industry. A lose object of any kind, hand tools especially (high density = heavy and usually pointy) can cause major damage in an airframe, let alone the powerplant of an aircraft.  You don't want to leave a socket in the wing or empennage of any craft. Death could be the result.

In order for one to keep all of one's tools accounted for, tool box shadowing is employed.

There are two ways to do this, the cheap way, and the expensive way. The expensive way entails buying products specifically intended for this.
The cheap way (DIY style, of course) involves re-purposing other materials, specifically any type of closed-cell foam or home insulation.

A quick google search yeilds all kinds of interesting forum discussions, but cheap backpacking pads from Wal-Mart, and sheets of home insulation from big-box hardware stores seem to be the two most popular DIY box shadowing materials.

Thread links:

Tool porn:

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