Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 7

Today we practiced taxiing aircraft, and all that entails.

The craft we used was a Piper Cherokee PA-28-140.

It looked something like this:

While I didn't get to drive today, I'll be able to tomorrow. I took my turn at the other stations, pulling chocks, manning the fire extinguisher and working as ground guide/ signalman.

In addition to taxiing aircraft, we learned the importance of battery maintenance. The hard way. We would've been able to get several more people in the aircraft, but unfortunately for us, the batteries for all of the craft in the hanger were dead.

Cest la vis.

But, a good time was had by all.  My classmates and I all seem to get along pretty well, and there are enough of us that if there is someone we can't stand, there is always someone else to talk to.

Tomorrow is the last day of ground operations. When I think about it, I really do feel like I've learned a lot.  I wouldn't say that I'm any kind of expert, but I certainly know more now than I did this time two weeks ago.

Wisdom is understanding how much one doesn't yet know or understand. While there are a lot of things I don't know, there are even more things I don't know that I don't know.

It's one thing to understand that you don't know, say, the meaning of a word.
It's another thing completely to not know what written language is.

I feel like there are dozens of words I can't define right now, but there is a whole other realm of knowledge I don't even realize that I don't know.

It's exciting. And daunting. But I feel prepared, and know I can do this.

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