Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 33

Today we spent quite a bit of time talking about hydraulic lines, both rigid and flexibile, and then went over to the hangar and started assembling some fittings.

As a kid, I always thought hydraulic lines for tractors were magic. I didn't really know how they worked, but I knew that they withstood an incredible amount of pressure and were still flexible. Whenever they broke, they just seemed to me like pieces of rubber with steel braiding inside. We took the busted ones into town and then the service tech disappeared with it. He came back a few minutes later with a new hose. Sometimes simple things seem so mysterious when you don't understand how they work.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 32

Today we finished our projects.

I'm pretty happy with mine.
I got an 87. I was one of the first ones done and spent time helping others with theirs, giving advice so they could avoid the mistakes I made.

We were supposed to finish by around 9:00 this morning, but a few of the slower members of class held us up until, oh, 12:45.

That's all I have to say about that.

Day 31

We worked on our projects all day today.

I learned something:
Some people, no matter how many times and in how many ways you tell them, will never understand how to use a file.

Day 30

Today we worked on some projects for the Shop Practices portion of the semester.

We were given a set of blueprints, and a piece of steel and told to make it.

Points are deducted per .001" we are out of tolerance.
